Over the next few days all patients will receive a copy of our latest newsletter. If we have consent to text or email you, it will come through by these means. If we don’t have consent you will receive a copy in the post (one per household).

The newsletter – which is also available on our website – details upcoming changes to how patients can access our services following feedback received through our patient survey. In summary, these changes represent a new phone system and a new online request system.

Please ensure you read the newsletter to familiarise yourself with the changes which will come fully into effect from the 3rd of July 2023.

Unfortunately due to a fault with the lines our usual phones are unable to work and it may take up to 48 hours to be fixed. We have diverted lines to our practice mobile in the meantime but please be aware there is no call queue functionality on this number so calls will be answered as quickly as possible. In the meantime if you are able please use our e-consult facility on our website – and click on “Consult With Your Doctor Online”. Our Reception staff will be processing these requests as quickly as possible. If you are unable to use this facility you can pop in to reception to book appointments at the desk. We apologise for any inconvenience. Please rest assured we are looking to get this fixed as soon as possible.

South Gloucestershire Council – Digital Champion Scheme

Digital Champions volunteers are providing help and support to those less digitally able within our communities. Whether it’s teaching someone how to turn a computer on for the first time or showing them how to manage emails and connect with friends and family, our Digital Champions help individuals to grow and develop their digital capabilities. Offering free one to one sessions and sharing their skills and knowledge our champions not only assist learning but also inspire confidence, enthusiasm, and motivation.

The scheme is a really positive initiative to help reduce digital exclusion in South Glos and are aiming to reach those who might be digitally excluded themselves as well as those that may know someone e.g., a friend or family member, who needs help to get online.

Further information about the scheme and how people can book their sessions can be found here: Get Digital – learn basic online skills for free at a South Gloucestershire centre | South Gloucestershire Council (


As you will be aware, the government have recommended offering booster vaccines to 40-50 year olds as well as those patients already eligible in cohorts 1-9.

Unfortunately the four practices in our primary care network feel that due to rising demand for appointments, and the increase in demand that we can usually expect during the winter months, we are unable to support any further extension of the booster programme.

We have therefore had to withdraw from offering this service.

We will continue to offer booster vaccines to patients in cohorts 1-9 (i.e. the over 50s and anyone eligible for a flu jab) and have clinics planned over the next four weekends based out of Cadbury Heath Health Centre. However after these clinics have finished we will be stopping.

Patients who are not in cohorts 1-9 can arrange a vaccine by calling 119 or going online (click here) . There are a number of local pharmacies who are offering the service as well as the mass vaccination centres at UWE and Bath Racecourse. You can also go to the Grabajab website (click here) and see what walk-in options are available in the area.

Over the course of the programme we have delivered 54,976 vaccines. Our staff have worked over and above their normal hours to stand up clinics on evenings and weekends and ensure our patients are double-jabbed. We have ensured we have offered boosters to our most vulnerable patients and have vaccinated all patients in care homes and who are housebound. This has been a phenomenal achievement and we are very proud to have been a part of the programme. We also want to thank our patients who have supported us while the programme has been ongoing.