Southern Brooks
Southern Brooks deliver our Social Prescribing Service. They can help patients who are experiencing socio-economic issues that are impacting on their health – for example social isolation, problems accessing physical activity, low mood and poor mental health – as well as providing support and advice around things like financial problems.
Any member of our team can refer you to Social Prescribing if you feel it would be of any benefit. Please speak to Reception if this is something you are interested in.
Useful Service Links
Best Treatments | Information is researched from the British Medical Journal and displayed in an easy to understand format. |
Net Doctor | Attempts to break the language mbarrier between Doctors and patients regarding disease and illnesses. |
QRisk | QRISK is a new calculator which works out your risk of getting heart mdisease. It has been developed by doctors and academics working in the UK National Health Service. |
Male Health | Fast, free independent information from the Men’s Health Forum. |
Women’s Health Concern | Women’s Health Concern is a charitable organisation which aims to help educate and support women with their healthcare by providing unbiased, accurate information. |
NHS Constitution | The NHS Constitution was published on 21 January 2009. It was one of a number of recommendations in Lord Darzi’s report ‘High Quality Care for All’ which was published on the 60th anniversary of the NHS and set out a ten-year plan to provide the highest quality of care and service for patients in England. |
NHS Choices | Aiming to personalise healthcare and provide information that will allow patients to make meaningful choices about when and where to receive their treatment. |
Cancer help | Free information service provided by Cancer Research UK about cancer and cancer care for people with cancer and their families. Information is formatted in such a way that makes understanding the website an easy process. |
Diabetes UK | Largest charity in the UK devoted to the care and treatment of people with diabetes in order to improve the quality of life for people with the condition. |
Asthma UK | This website has been revamped to meet the needs of the thousands of people with asthma who visit the site each day, either to find important information about asthma and how to control it. |
Alzheimer’s Society | Comprehensive information for people with all forms of dementia. |
South Glos Bereavement | The guide focuses on the local and national support available to help your mental and emotional well being after a loss. |
South Glos Drug and Alcohol Service | If you need support with your use of drugs or alcohol, then get in touch for free and confidential help. |
Useful Local Contact Numbers
Age UK – 0117 929 7537
Alcoholics Anonymous – 0117 926 5926
Alzheimer’s Society – 0117 961 0693
Care Forum – 0117 965 4444
Citizen’s Advice Bureau – 0844 826 9688
Cossham Hospital – 0117 340 8400
CRUSE Bereavement – 0117 926 4045
Diabetes Education (local) – 0117 959 8970
Domestic Violence Unit Thornbury – 0117 945 5984
Macmillan Cancer Support – 808 808 0000
National Dementia Helpline – 0845 300 0336
NHS Smoking Helpline – 0800 022 4332
Pregnancy Advisory Service – 0845 300 8090 (Marie Stopes)
Relate – 0117 942 8444
Royal United Hospital, Bath – 01225 428 331
Samaritans – 0845 790 9090 / 0117 983 1000
Social Services (South Glos) – 01454 868 007
South Glos Drugs Project – 0800 073 3011
Southmead Hospital – 0117 950 5050
St Martin’s Hospital, Bath – 01225 831 500
St Peter’s Hospice – 0117 915 9400
The Carers Support Centre – 0117 965 2200
United Bristol Healthcare Trust (BRI, BCH) – 0117 923 0000
Yate Minor Injuries Unit – 01454 315355 click Here for more information