Practice Update

The practice has recently sent out a letter to all patients. A copy of this letter is available – Here

Vaccine Programme Update

31st August 2023

You may have heard on the news that the Covid vaccine booster programme is being brought forward due to concerns about rising cases and a new variant.

Kingswood Health Centre are offering flu-only clinics on the 16th and 30th of September as these were already arranged and are nearly fully booked. We have not yet had confirmation of when Covid vaccine will arrive and are being asked to prioritise care homes and housebound patients first.

We will be holding Covid vaccine clinics on the 14th and 28th of October. There will also be some evening clinics held during the week with dates to be confirmed. Patients also wanting a flu jab can have both vaccines in the same appointment at these clinics.

The booking system for the October clinics is not yet live so we are unable to send out invites just yet. However we would encourage eligible patients to put these dates in the diary and we will send out invitations as soon as possible. If you have booked a flu jab for September and would prefer to have both vaccines at the same time, please cancel your flu appointment. We will invite you to a new appointment for both vaccines as soon as possible.

Please continue to support your local GP surgery by having your vaccines with us.

For details on who is eligible, please visit


As the lockdown restrictions ease, we wanted to update you on how we plan to continue working over the coming months.

We have made many changes over the course of the pandemic to ensure we can continue to safely provide services to our patients. Many of these will continue for the timebeing.

We will continue our telephone-first model of care, but want to reassure patients that if we feel you need to be seen we will continue to arrange for you to come to the surgery for an appointment.

We will continue to encourage patients to have their prescriptions sent to a nominated pharmacy. From the 12th of April we will no longer take requests for repeat prescriptions over the phone.

To order, you should use Patient Access or the NHS App, email us or drop a paper request slip into the box outside the surgery. Our phone lines are very busy and we want to make sure patients can contact us for urgent medical matters.

We continue to ask that you only come to the surgery for booked appointments. Our patient care navigators will not be able to book appointments or arrange prescription requests at the desk for you.

We will also be continuing the vaccination clinics which can often mean high volumes of patients coming through the building – keep an eye on our Facebook page to see when these are being run and when to avoid coming up to the surgery.

If you do attend the practice, you will be asked to wear a mask (unless medically exempt), use hand gel and maintain a 2 metre distance from other people. We still need to follow the rules to ensure we minimise the risk from Covid-19. Anyone who refuses to comply will be asked to leave the building. We must do all we can to protect our staff and patients.

Please continue to help us keep safe, while providing a good quality service to our patients.

Thank you.

Drs Kerfoot, Pegden, Hempton, Hickson, March, Williams and Floyd

Wuhan Novel Coronavirus (WN-CoV)

Update: 10th March 2020
Important information about the coronavirus (COVID-19)

Please do not book an appointment or go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital if you
• you think you might have coronavirus;
• in the last 14 days you’ve been to a country or area with a high risk of coronavirus;
• you’ve been in close contact with someone with coronavirus

NHS111 has an online coronavirus service that can tell you if you need medical help and advise you what to do. This can be accessed from Call 111 if you need to speak to someone.

The NHS in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire and Public Health England (PHE) are well prepared for outbreaks of new infectious diseases. The NHS has put in place measures to ensure the safety of all patients and NHS staff while also ensuring services are available to the public as normal. The latest information on symptoms of Coronovirus infection and areas where recent travel may have resulted in a high risk of exposure can be found on

NHS 111 has an online coronavirus service that can tell you if you need medical help and advise you what to do.

Use this service if:
• you think you might have coronavirus;
• in the last 14 days you’ve been to a country or area with a high risk of coronavirus;
• you’ve been in close contact with someone with coronavirus.

Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. Call 111 if you need to speak to someone.

Like the common cold, coronavirus infection usually occurs through close contact with a person with novel coronavirus via cough and sneezes or hand contact. A person can also catch the virus by touching contaminated surfaces if they do not wash their hands.

Testing of suspected coronavirus cases is carried out in line with strict guidelines. This means that suspected cases are kept in isolation, away from public areas of GP surgeries, pharmacies and hospitals and returned home also in isolation. Any equipment that come into contact with suspected cases are thoroughly cleaned as appropriate. Specific guidance has also been shared with NHS staff to help safeguard them and others. Patients can be reassured that their safety is a top priority, and are encouraged to attend all appointments as usual.

Everyone is being reminded to follow Public Health England advice to:
• Always carry tissues with you and use them to catch your cough or sneeze. Then bin the tissue, and wash your hands, or use a sanitiser gel.
• Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after using public transport. Use a sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
• Avoid close contact with people who are unwell.

Previous Updates – Update: 25th February 2020

The UK Chief Medical Officer has raised the risk to the public from low to moderate. This permits the government to plan for all eventualities. Please be assured that the risk to individuals remains low.

If you have travelled from China or have been in contact with someone confirmed as having Coronavirus in the last two weeks, you may be at risk of Coronavirus. Please do NOT leave the house. Instead, ring the surgery or NHS 111 if: ​

  • You have been in China in the last 14 days and develop cough, fever or shortness of breath; or
  • You have been in Wuhan or Hubei Province in the last 14 days or have been in contact with someone confirmed as having Coronavirus, even if you feel well.

Travellers returning from other parts of China and specified areas: If you get a cough, high temperature or feel short of breath within 14 days of returning from any of the areas below please telephone either the surgery or NHS 111:

Category 1 countries/areas:

  • Wuhan city and Hubei Province (China, see map)
  • Iran
  • Daegu or Cheongdo
  • Republic of Korea
  • Any Italian town under containment measures* (see map)

Category 2 countries/areas:

  • Cambodia
  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Italy: north* (see map)
  • Japan
  • Laos
  • Macau
  • Malaysia
  • Myanmar
  • Republic of Korea* (see map)
  • Singapore
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand
  • Vietnam

In the above circumstances, if you require further information or feel you need medical advice or assistance please TELEPHONE the practice or NHS111 to inform us of your concerns. To prevent the potential spread of any infection please do not attend the surgery in person.

Update: 28th January 2020

The outbreak has been pinpointed to the Huanan Seafood Market within Wuhan, China, which sells live animals and exotic meats as well as seafood. This new virus has been named Wuhan novel coronavirus (WN-CoV). The virus can be spread not just by animals but from person to person and is an airborne high consequence disease.


  • If you have visited Wuhan recently and have difficulty breathing or a cough within 14 days, you should seek urgent medical attention.
  •  If you have been in contact with someone who has visited the area and have difficulty in breathing or a cough within 14 days, you should seek urgent medical attention.
  • If you have been in contact with someone that has contracted the virus, and have difficulty in breathing or a cough within 14 days, you should seek urgent medical attention.


Further information can be found on the website.

Click Here

Thank you! (Radio Bristol + Social Media)

We would like to thank our patients who took time to praise the service they received at Kingswood Health Centre on Radio Bristol and social media platforms in December 2019.

New Website – March 2019

We hope you like our new surgery Website. The site remains in development over the next few months and we would welcome any feedback from our patients over features and functions they would like to see on the site.